31. High Risk Behavior

Does the youth have suicidal thoughts or has the youth ever attempted suicide?  How long ago?  Is youth aggressive to themselves (cutting /burning themselves, etc.) or others (hitting, punching, kicking, homicidal thoughts)?  Does the youth engage in reckless activities or activities that could end up hurting him/herself or others? Does youth ever runaway?  Set fires?  Does the youth have sexually reactive or sexually aggressive behaviors? Does the youth try to push adult’s buttons, knowing that it will lead to consequences?  Does the youth engage in delinquent behaviors

0-   No Action.  There is no evidence of high risk behaviors.

1 –   Let’s watch/try to prevent.  Youth has a history of high risk behaviors or others have suspicions that the youth engages in high risk behaviors.

2 –   Help is needed.  In the past 30 days, youth has engaged in behaviors that are high risk.

3 –   Help is needed now/immediately.  In the past 30 days, youth has engaged in behaviors that are high risk and have put self or others at risk of harm.