9. Adjustment to Trauma

What is the worst thing that has happened to you?  Have you ever experienced a very stressful situation?  This can include a difficult move, loss of a loved one, witness to a violent situation, car accidents, natural disasters, abuse, military deployment/war experiences, etc.

0 –   No action needed. I have not experenced any significant trauma or can quickly get over traumatic experiences.

1 –   Let’s watch/wait.  I experienced past traumatic life events but they no longer have an effect on me; or I am unsure if these events have had an effect on me.

2 –   Help is needed. I have some difficulty dealing with my traumatic experiences.  I believe I experience one or more of the following: continued stress due to the situation, depression, nightmares, anxiety, anger, difficulty leaving the house, etc., which makes it hard to be a parent.

3 –   Help is needed now/immediately. I have great difficulty dealing with my past experiences.  I often think or worry about it, and it’s affecting my daily life.  I have been diagnosed with PTSD and I am not taking any medications to treat the PTSD.  I am having a very difficult time trying to parent at the moment because of my symptoms.